1:Structure The lowar part structure of condensation non-pressure indirect heating water bailer is composed of combustor and heat pipe, same as that of ardinary boiler; heat exchanger is installed in the top half, and expansion tank is installed in the upper part of bailer body, so it is rather safe. Condenser is installed in the rear smake channel to improve heat availability. Heating medium water in the boiler is not dealt with or poured out during the operation of bailer but transmit heat with heal exchanger. Heat exchanger is made in strict accordance with the manulacturing standards of shell-and-tube heat exchanger. and hydrostartic test is made for shell pass and tube pass.
2:Operating without pressure, the unit is safe. Expansion tank is installed in the upper part of boiler and water level is controlled autormatically. it operates without pressure, safe and reliable. Thus complicated approval procedures can be omitted.
3:Long Life Bailer water is only used as heat carrier. When it operates, oxygen in water is released when heated and discharged from the boiler so aygen corrosion won" t happen in the long-term use of boiler. When heat medium wanter is added in once, limited calcium and magnesium also is heated to soften so boiler water is neither less nor more when the boiler operanes. Thus there will not be scale formation in the boiler, prolonging working life of the boiler, reaching 20 years, which is over two times as long as the life of ardinary boiler,
1. Fual consumptioes in the table are courned with 42/00Klikg as the low heat value for light oil. 40050Kulikg as that. for heery all. 35588KU/Nme" as that for nalunal gas and 16?50kJd Nm' no that for coel cm
2.Dain and pictunes above arne for nahenence only and are subhjected to modifiaations without natification;
3. Pleeae confan roimaci deta barore pra-fmtrication, resurvation and design of boile roomt:
4. it is adwised to have a gaaler heat exchanger when the fuel is natunl goa;
5. it ia acivimed to have an anengy-mawer when the tuel is light all.